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Halloween - New ideas for celebrating Halloween

Halloween is lots of fun for children.  But some families are concerned about having their children wandering around the neighborhood on Halloween night.  Other families don't want their children eating all the candy collected while Trick or Treating.  Some families are creating new customs and traditions for their children.

Alternatives to Trick or Treating

Backyard Trick or Treating
Parking Lot Trick or Treating
Got Booed?

Other Activities for October 31.

Games Night
Harvest Festival
Night at the Movies


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Gifts Kids Can Make Book Cover

Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who are important to them.  But what can they make that will delight the person they are giving the gift to?

Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality gift ideas that you children can make.  Guaranteed to be fun the children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.

Gifts Kids Can Make


Halloween Pumpkin

Backyard Trick or Treating

We don't go out to trick-or-treat, but instead, we have a trick-or-treat party at home. We turn our yard into a spooky "neighborhood" using tents, sheets, blankets etc. The kids love it, and it is talked about almost all year........

Here's how to do it.
Call your friends and ask them to participate....ask them if they own a tent, if so, bring it. If not, they bring sheets, blankets or whatever and set up their own "house" in your yard. Of course, you can help them. If they don't have a tent and are using sheets etc. simply hang the sheets over a tree limb, kids slide, or even a framework made of PCP pipe. The adults and children who are old enough not to want to trick-or-treat, dress up in their Halloween costumes and go to their "Halloween House". The little ones then trick-or-treat these "houses", and you never have to worry about their safety.

We always have games too as the the trick-or-treating doesn't last long. Sometimes we have a treasure hunt or play spin the bottle with a twist to it. This is how we play "spin the bottle".

Before the kids trick-or-treat in our "Halloween neighborhood" we play "Spin the Bottle". Whomever the bottle points to must trick-or-treat a house. The ghoul in the house has the option of giving the child a piece of candy or tricking them. Since the kids never know which it will be, they stay excited. To keep one house from being trick-or-treated repeatedly, the houses are numbered and the children must visit them in order. 

Backyard Trick-or-Treating was sent in by one of our visitors.

Parking Lot Trick or Treating

Some parents groups organize ask families that are interested to meet in the school parking lot at dark on Halloween.  Each family brings their goodies.  Kids can trick or treat by going from car to car.  Any empty parking lot would work.  It could be the local school, park or library.  Anything that is closed on Halloween night.

Got Booed?

A new Halloween tradition is spreading rapidly grass-roots fashion
throughout the culture. Called "Getting Booed," it involves a family
making a Halloween gift basket and leaving it anonymously on a neighbor's
door step with a sign "You Got Booed." The receiving family's job, then,
is to make up another gift basket and play the trick on another family in
the neighborhood who doesn't have a 'got booed' sign on their door.

Poems for your 'got Booed' sign.

  1. The air is cool, the season is fall, soon Halloween will come to all.
    The spooks are after things to do; in fact, a spook has brought this to you.
    "BOO" is a shield, from witching hour, Just hang it up and watch its power.
    On your front door is where it works, it ward off spooks and scary jerks.
    The power comes when friends like you will copy this and make it TWO.
    We'll all have smiles upon our face. No one will know who Booed our place.
    Just one short day to work your spell or a big ZAP will strike your tail.
    And don't forget a nifty treat, like something cute or something sweet.
    Please join the fun, let's really hear it! Spread some Boo's and Halloween spirit!
  2. Happy Halloween!
    We've been Booed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Put this note on a ghost shaped piece of paper)
  3. You have been Booed!

    The Phantom Ghost has come to town,
    To leave goodies you have found.
    If you do not wish a curse to fall
    You must continue this ghostly call.

    First, post this ghost where it can be seen
    And leave it there till Halloween.
    This will scare other visiting ghosts away.
    Be sure to participate, don't delay.

    Second, make two treats,
    Two ghosts, and
    Two notes like this.

    Deliver it to two neighbors that might have been missed.
    Don't let them see you, be sneaky, no doubt...
    (And make sure they put their Booed Ghosts out!)***

    Next, you will have only one day to act, so be quick!
    Leave it at the doors where the ghost has not hit!
    Deliver it at dark when there is no light...
    Ring the doorbell and run, and stay out of sight!!!

    And last but not least, enjoy the season.
    Don't worry, be happy for all the right reasons.
    Be cool, have fun and remember, don't be seen!
    Share the Spirit of Halloween!!


Other Activities for October 31

Games Night

Find a school gym or Church basement and invite families to bring their favorite board games (Monopoly, Life, Yahtzee, ...).  Make lots of bowls of popcorn for snacks, or have the families bring their own favorite snack to share. 

Check out our free kids games section to find ideas for new games.


Fall Festival

Plan a Fall Festival for October 31.  Families could bring their favorite harvest dish and have a pot luck supper.  Kids could come in costume (animals, trees, fruits, vegetables, etc. ).  Organize some group games, face painting, or plan a treasure hunt.

If you have a large group, see if you can interest your local Community Center, Church or School in hosting the event.


Night at the Movies

Plan to have dinner out and take the kids to family movie.  Let the kids pick the restaurant (within the budget) even if it someplace you usually won't go.


send email to Creative Kids at HomeMany families are creating new customs for celebrating Halloween.  Let us know if you have any craft or activity ideas that children love for Halloween.  We'll share them with other visitors to our website.  Send us a note if you have any questions.



Gifts Kids Can Make Book Cover







Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who are important to them.  But what can they make that will delight the person they are giving the gift to?

Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality gift ideas that you children can make.  Guaranteed to be fun the children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.

Gifts Kids Can Make



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