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Paper Fortune Teller

Has your child ever wanted to make a paper Fortune Teller?

Do you remember playing with them as a child? You fit your first two fingers into the pockets and then children take turns picking from what they can see.  If they pick a four on the outside, then open and close it four times.  Look inside and pick a color.  Then open and close it for each letter in the color.  Look inside again and pick a color.  This time, open it up to see what the fortune is underneath.

The children can color the squares, draw pictures, or decorate it any way they want.

One sheet of folded paper can keep kids busy for hours!


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Paper Fortune Tellerfolded paper fortune teller

These directions look complicated, but it is quite easy to make (just difficult to describe!).

  • Start with a square piece of paper. (Use a standard sheet of paper. Take a bottom corner and diagonal fold it across to the opposite side of the page. Cut off the 2.5 inch strip at the top of the page to create an 8.5 x 8.5 sheet of paper)
  • Fold the paper along the diagonal and crease. Then open it back up. Fold along the opposite diagonal and crease. Open it back up. Fold the paper in half along a straight edge and crease. Open it back up. Turn the paper 1/4 (90 degrees) and fold in half again, and crease. Open it back up. You should have a flat piece of paper with the creases forming a star in the center of the page.
  • Take one corner and fold it in to the center of star. Repeat with each corner. When you are done, you will have a six inch square, with four open flaps on the top.
  • Flip the piece of paper over. Take one corner and fold it in to the center of star. Repeat with each corner. Your square will now be about four inches on each side, with four flaps.
  • Flip the paper over so that the top side has square flaps. Fold the paper in half along a straight edge and crease. Open it back up. Turn the paper 1/4 (90 degrees) and fold in half again, and crease. Open it back up.
  • Put your thumb and index finger on your right hand under the two square flaps on the right hand side. Put your thumb and index finger on your left hand under the two square flaps on the left hand side. As you pinch your finger tips together, the fortune teller will take shape.
  • At this point you can write numbers, colors, or letters on the flaps and fortunes under the flip up pieces.
  • To work the fortune teller, put your fingers back in the flaps. Pinch your thumb and index fingers together, then gently pull apart to open the center. Then bring the four fingers back together. Pinch together the two index fingers and the two thumbs. Gently pull apart to open the center.

This will work with any size square sheet of paper. These instructions use an 8.5 inch square so that other measurements can be used as guidelines in the instructions.


Send us a note if you have any questions.

You will find more kids crafts in our Free Activities Library.



Gifts Kids Can Make Book Cover







Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who are important to them.  But what can they make that will delight the person they are giving the gift to?

Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality gift ideas that you children can make.  Guaranteed to be fun the children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.

Gifts Kids Can Make



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