Kids can make their own music with water
chimes for this activity. These music chimes sound great and the children can use the leftovers to water the
plants when the concert is over.
If you or your children are interested in
sound waves and how they make music, check out our childrens science page on
Kids have fun with crafts.
Water Chimes
8 glasses
Line up eight glasses of about the same
size and shape.
Fill the first glass about 1/8th full of
water for the high note, the second glass should be 1/4 full, the
third glass should be 3/8ths full for the next note, and so on.
Each glass should sound like a note on
the music scale (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do). You may need to
tune your music scale (add or remove water with teaspoon) until each note
rings true.
Have the children use a metal teaspoon to gently tap out
the scale and any other melodies they know (Mary had a Little lamb,
Twinkle Twinkle).
Hints for Water Chimes
Don't use expensive crystal glasses to make water chimes.
Add a bit a food coloring to help children identify which glass is which sound.
Changing the amount of water will change the musical note. The amount of water in the glass changes the pitch of the sound wave.
Kids can make their own music with water
chimes for this activity.
Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who
are important to them. But what can they make that will delight the
person they are giving the gift to?
Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality
gift ideas that you children can make. Guaranteed to be fun the
children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.