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Father's Day

What can you do when a child can't be with Dad on Father's day?

For most children it's best to at least talk about Father's day, but some children would just like to miss the whole day.  Here are some ideas crafts, activities and games to keep busy.

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Ideas for children who can't be with Dad on Father's Day

For some families, they just can't be together on Father's Day.  They may be separated because Dad is working in a different city or country, has a health problem, has to be away, or maybe Dad has never been part of this child's life.  For these children, Father's Day can be very difficult.  Here are some ideas that might help make it a bit easier.

  1. Think of Dad's favorite place and plan to spend the afternoon.  Maybe he loved the beach, a special park or even a favorite restaurant.  Or did he have a favorite game you could play.  It might be hard to be without Dad on Father's Day, but at least you could be doing something he would enjoy.
  2. Write Dad a letter and attach it to a helium balloon.  Send it up to the sky.  Please be aware that these balloons are a hazard to wildlife and the environment.  So don't do it unless it is the only way to help a child get through the day.
  3. Write Dad a letter. Burn it in a fire and scatter the ashes in a garden, to the wind, on a lake, or anywhere that is special.  The thoughts will get to him even if the paper can't.  Be sure to talk to the child first about the plan to burn the letter and release the thoughts so they can get to Dad.
  4. If children make something, but can't send it to Dad (e.g. jar filled with flowers, a plate of cookie or a poem), they can put it next to Dads picture at home or put on the head stone.  Thanks to Fay for sending in this idea.
  5. For children who never had a Father in their life, you could talk about what they think they are missing.  Make a point to try and create those experiences throughout the year.
  6. On Fathers' day we give Mom a "Da-mom" card, since she's both mom and dad in this family!  Thanks to Grandma Audrey for sending in this idea.  
  7. Have a dinner for people that have made a difference in your child’s life: have your child/children make dessert, place cards and any other aspects that they enjoy doing.

    If dinner doesn’t work for the guest of honor, have a lunch, afternoon BBQ or create a card and deliver it.
    Thanks for this idea from Laurie Mueller at Easy Funeral Speeches.


One parent sent in this suggestion:

"The most important thing for my kids is that we talk about it in advance, and I ask them what THEY want to do. It means a lot to them to be made welcome to talk about dad, even though it seems they'd already know it's fine--in my case--still, they need to be encouraged. "

Thanks to Rhonda for sharing this suggestion.





Let us know if you have some more ideas we could add to this list. send email to Creative Kids at Home



Gifts Kids Can Make Book Cover







Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who are important to them.  But what can they make that will delight the person they are giving the gift to?

Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality gift ideas that you children can make.  Guaranteed to be fun the children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.

Gifts Kids Can Make



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