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New Games Section on the Website

You'll find lots of new content on the website today.  We've been working with a new content management system which should make it faster to load new content and easier for you to find what you are looking for.

There's a whole new section for the free Activity Library called Kids Games.  Within that section, are categories for Two Player Games, Car Games and Ice Breakers.  Currently there are three games in the section.

The Creature Guessing Game is easy to play and takes no advance planning.  It's great for when kids are getting bored in a line-up or while you are running errands.  

Lots of Air is fun for two or more players.  Ideal for grandparents who don't want to store a lot of supplies and games for when their grandchildren visit.

Who Am I gives kids a chance to run around and ask each other silly questions like "Do people eat me?" or "Can I fly?".    It's great as an ice breaker for a new group of kids, or just as a change in pace during a long event.

With the new content management software, it will be easier to add more games to this list!  Go poke around the website.  There's more new stuff that I'll write about tomorrow.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 21, 2005 8:59 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The Toothfairy has a Tough Job.

The next post in this blog is Creative Kids Newsletter vs Blog.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.