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Summer Activities

Do you have lots of ideas on what to do with the kids all summer?  If you know you want them to have lots of fun, but aren't quite sure what to do, Creative Kids will be publishing a weekly newsletter all through July and August.  

Each week, you can get a Summer Newsletter that will have lots of ideas all on one theme.  There will be craft ideas, games, field trip suggestions, activities, and some links to other websites with more ideas.  The themes cover lots of different interests, everything from Space to Make Believe.

You can choose to get the Summer Newsletter each week by email or through the Creative Kids Blog.  The same information will be sent in the weekly email and posted in the Blog.  You can choose whichever way is most convenient for you.

1)  Subscribe to the Summer Newsletter by email.

Subscribe for your FREE weekly Summer Newsletter.  Each week this summer, you'll receive newsletter filled with ideas for crafts, games, activities all on the same theme.  You're kids will have lots of fun, and wonder how you came up with some many great ideas this summer!


2)  Subscribe to the Creative Kids blog.

If you are only subscribed to our Monthly Newsletter, you will receive July and August issues of the Newsletter, but you will not receive the weekly Summer Newsletter.

We have created a separate list for Summer Newsletter so that it is sent only to those people who want the weekly emails.

Post a comment if you have questions.  

Comments (1)


Hey I like this idea. What a great way to create alphabet wall letters and get your kids to pioneer the project. Rubbings are easy to do a kids love them regardless of their artistic abilities


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 6, 2006 5:21 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Creating with Cardboard (part 2).

The next post in this blog is Kids and car seats.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.