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Empowering Kids

The kids and I were at a workshop on empowering children.  The idea was to help kids learn the tools to stay positive even when things are negative. 

At the workshop, we learned six different tools to help kids deal with negative feelings.  It was good, but turned amazing when they showed us how to measure the positive energy around each person.  Even writing about it now makes it sound like hocus pocus.  It was one of those times where if you don't do it yourself, it's hard to believe it's real.

I've put the instructions in our games library, and I'll be adding pictures to make it easier to understand.  It's one of those things that is simple to do, but takes a lot of words to describe.  

By the end of the workshop, the kids had lots of ideas on how to cope with negative feelings.  But the best part was seeing their confidence when they knew that their own thinking could change the energy field around them.


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