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New activities - bubbles

Bubbles are always a hit in my house.  It seems like kids of any age can have fun with bubbles.  Here are two new ideas to keep your kids interested.

Rainbow bubbles would be perfect for a sleepover party, or any night the kids are staying up late.  Anytime you blow bubbles you can see the refracted light creating rainbows, but using a flashlight makes it easy.

These bubble wands would be great for an outdoor party, or even in the bathtub.  With a few simple items, it's easy to make long ropes of bubbles.

The bubble ropes should even be fairly safe for a young child.  I've never liked putting a straw in the solution and encouraging a child to blow through the straw.  They are just to use to sucking up a straw.  With these wands, you just dip the cloth in the solution.  The straw is used to blow air out.  There's almost no chance of a young child drinking the bubble solution from the wand.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 28, 2006 5:40 PM.

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