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What is Christmas all about?

I was in a shopping mall the other day trying to find a Christmas present for my daughter.  The shopping mall was filled with busy people, long line-ups and endless sale signs.  There was no sign of Christmas anywhere.

As I made my way towards an escalator, I saw yet another Christmas tree.  It was nicely decorated with lots of shiny balls but I barely even saw it. 

Then I noticed a young girl about 3y looking at the tree.  She went right up to it and squatted down so that she was within an inch of one of those shiny balls.  

She started to make faces as she rocked in an out towards the tree.  She was mesmerized by her reflection and how it changed as she moved.  It was wonderful to watch her laughing and enjoying Christmas decorations.  She could really see them!

The truly delightful part was glancing up and seeing her mother.  I expected a frazzled parent, frantically looking for a lost child.  This mother was calm and relaxed as she watched her daughter having fun with the Christmas decorations.

How many times have we all felt so rushed we couldn't take a minute to enjoy Christmas through the eyes of a child?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 18, 2006 9:45 AM.

The previous post in this blog was New craft and gifts.

The next post in this blog is Busy Christmas.

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