Finally, most of the caterpillars are in their chrysalis and we've had a chance to get some good photos.
picture on the left is a chrysalis that's a week old. From looking at the
photo, I'm wondering if I can see the pattern on the butterfly wing!
The caterpillar is one of our last 4 that were still crawling around. This one has spun it's silk pad and is hanging the J shape. The caterpillar's head is at the bottom of the J. It will probably be a chrysalis by morning.
For those that have followed our caterpillars, the albino is still crawling around. I was a bit worried about it earlier in the week. It slowed down but didn't seem to be interested in eating. Now, it's perked up and is happy crawling and eating. It looks smaller than the other caterpillars, but seems to be doing fine.
Now I'm wondering when we'll have our first butterfly!
Read more about raising Painted Lady Butterflies.