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Tadpoles with Legs

We've been enjoying watching the tadpoles grow, but there was real excitement this morning when we realized the tadpoles have legs!

Here's a picture from May 7.  It's a close up, side view of one of the tadpoles.  This tadpole is about 1.5 cm or .6 of an inch long.


Now here are some pictures from May 31.  The pictures aren't as clear, but you can see the very tiny little legs growing out beside the base of the tail.


These tadpoles have been growing.  They are now about 6 cm or 2.3 inches long.  They were almost a solid black when they arrived, but are now more green and speckled.

The tiny legs are very cute.  They are already using them in swimming, but the tail is still their main power source.


Comments (3)


My tadpoles have grown legs! What should I do should I tip out about half of the water and then put in a big rock so they can limp up on it or just leave the water in it?

If the legs of just appeared, then they still need water.

But now is the time to start thinking and planning for when the arms appear. They need a gentle slope, not a rock with steep sides to climb out.

We started lowering the water slowly over a couple of weeks. It went from about 8" to 4" by the times they had arms. Don’t just let the water evaporate, they still need fresh clean water.

brittany wheatley:

How long does it take for a tadpole to turn into a frog?

Tadpoles change into frogs in different amounts of time depending on the species. The grass frogs took about 6 -8 weeks.

That amount of time can change with the amount of food available and the temperature of the water.


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