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August update

We've been traveling for most of the summer and had a great trip that included everything from time at my family cottage, to a workshop in Oxford, and even a few days in Paris.  Unfortunately, internet access wasn't as simple as we had thought it would be, so I haven't been able to post all the updates to the website.

First, there's a great story from a creative Uncle who put together a wonderful treasure hunt using the treasure balls craft project.  

There's a new craft idea for younger children to experiment with color.  Actually, this project could be interesting for any who wants some practice mixing paints or even dye colors for fabric.

Here's an idea that perfect for grandparents, or other times where you suddenly need to keep some kids busy.  All you need is a box of straws and there's lots of straw game possibilities.

There's more stuff I'll be posting in the coming week.  


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2007 9:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Website Problems.

The next post in this blog is Website problems resolved.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.