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January 2008 Archives

January 14, 2008

Mail Bag 08/001

Here a selection of questions and and the answers we've sent over the last few weeks.  There's a bit of everything from magnets to treasure hunts and a good question about what kids can learn by making snowflakes.


Q1.  Dear info@creativekidsathome.com please send me the treasure hunt map right now please.

A1.  Treasure Hunt maps need to be created for the area of your own hunt. I have a treasure map that hunt at my local beach, but the landmarks, compass directions, and even the terrain would be different at your beach (if you even live close to a beach). The same is true for a backyard hunt, or even a hunt inside a house.


Q2.  My son is in the 3rd grade he has a project at school.  The materials are wand magnet and 3 metal cars.  He has to be able to pull 3 cars with the magnet . I tried it an it does not work because all the cars i have are not metal just the part with the wheels it will only pull 1.  How can I help him with this project. can you help me out.

A2.  Would he be allowed to add paper clips to the cars? A magnet will pull paper clips? 

Or could he create his own cars by replacing the plastic body with a wire frame (from paper clips)?

Have you checked with friends and neighbors to see if they have metal cars?


Q3.  What colors makes brown? please reply a.s.a.p

A3.  A mixture of red, blue and yellow.


Q4.  How would I do an experiment for a science project showing how magnets repel each other?

A4.  If you are looking for demonstration type experiment, my daughter used a train set where the cars connected with magnets. She had a couple feet of track set up and then put two cars on the track. If the cars connect, you need to reverse one of them. If they won't connect, you have two matched poles. The cars will push away from each other demonstrating that the magnets repel. 


Q5. What kind of snowflakes are the children making?

A5.  If you are thinking of paper snowflakes with folding and cutting, there's lots of learning.

During the folding, they can be learning about shapes and fractions. "One half of a square is a triangle." I wouldn't try to make it a lesson, just let them experiment and ask an occasional question based on the child's age and knowledge. One child may be learning the names of squares and triangles, while another child could be predict the shape after the next fold.

During the cutting stage, a lot of the learning has to do with manual dexterity. They are learning how to use scissors to cut out small shapes. Again, think about naming the shapes as they are cut out. Compare what happens if you cut out a triangle from a fold, or from the other side where you just end up with lots of separate triangles. 

If you are thinking of making snowflakes by growing crystals, you can find lots of information about the science of crystals.

You could talk about how snowflakes form and why they are unique. There's lots of different types of learning that can be part of making snowflakes.


January 21, 2008

January 2008 Newsletter

Snowflakes and older kids can learn about how crystals form and do experiments to grow salt or sugar crystals.

If you are thinking about planning a treasure hunt, there a new step by step guide to help you plan a Treasure Hunt

Science Fair season is coming up.  Kids have to do the work, but parents are asked lots questions.  Check the science fair section so that you will know what is a hypothesis, or how to write of the procedure.

Let us know if you use some of these ideas, and what the kids think.  Or have them send in new ideas they would like to share with other families.  If you have a photo, we would like to include it too!  Let us know if you would like to be identified with your idea. Send your ideas to: Creative Kids at Home

Don't forget to check out the Activity Library for lots of kids crafts and activities.

Have a fun day!

Christine Nicholls, Creative Kids at Home
Free crafts and activities for kids.

About January 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Creative Kids Blog in January 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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