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March 08 Newsletter

March is here and spring is just around the corner.  At the first sign of spring, children and adults have headed outside with bubble solution and wands to create the season's first stream of translucent, glimmering bubbles. National Bubble Week is from March 20 - 26 to  coincide with the first day of spring.

Find recipes to make your own bubble solution  or ideas for a bubble game.  Children are often surprised when they realize they can do a craft project to make their own bubble wand and there's even an idea to blow bubbles with no wand at all!

St. Patrick's Day is on March 17, find out how to make a Shamrockand get ready to celebrate with the Irish. 

Last spring we had a great time with the Painted Lady Caterpillars.  It was a lot of fun and the kids learned a lot more than from reading books about the life cycle of a butterfly.  Now is the time to be getting set-up and finding a supplier for caterpillars.

How about making some paper butterflies? They can 'fly' anywhere you want.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 7, 2008 8:49 PM.

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