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June 08 Newsletter

Father's Day
Sunday June 15th is Father's Day.   Find out about the history of Father's Day, and then plan some  activities with Dad.  You'll find lots of ideas that kids can plan on their own to do something special with Dad.  Or how about some some ideas for Father's Day gifts kids can make?


Planning Parties for Children
It's a great time of the year for parties.  They could be beach parties, year end school parties or birthday parties.  Start with tips for planning a children's birthday party.  Then start thinking about the party theme or check out these ideas for party themes .  The next step is choosing activities for the party and then comes the decisions about party loot bags if it's a birthday party.


children's egg head craftCrafts for Kids

Now is the perfect time for growing Hairy Heads and Egg Heads. Kids love to watch things grow!


Gifts for Teachers
Most kids are just finishing up school, dance classes and even sports teams for the year.  Don't forget to have something special to thank the teachers and other adults who have helped your kids have a great year.  Here are some gift ideas from one student or for when a class or group want to go together to get a special gift for their teacher .


Science Experiments
painted lady butterfly larva almost out of its eggIn the Northern Hemisphere, we're approaching the longest day of the year.  It's a great time to be doing experiments about sunlight


We kept some butterflies so they could mate and lay eggs.  There's even video of the larva hatching from it's egg.


Send in your ideas for fun in the sun, or summer activities and we'll share them so that lots of families can try your ideas too!

Don't forget to check out the Activity Library for lots of kids crafts and activities or keep up date by reading our Creative Kids blog


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 19, 2008 8:07 AM.

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The next post in this blog is July 08 Newsletter.

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