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July 08 Newsletter


Summer Activities
girl building a sand castleNow that your children are out of school, are you looking for some new ideas?  The summer kids activities page has ideas for summer projects. 

Do your kids have a favorite theme and they would like to play games, make crafts and even go on field trips all about the same topic?  Check out our theme pages for Ancient Egypt, Day at the Beach, Dinosaurs, and Games

Summer is a great time for large gatherings.  If the kids need a new game idea, try  Wave .  This game is a cross between hide-n-seek and freeze tag.  It could be played indoors with a small group, but it's best outside with lots of kids and lots of hiding spots.


What is hot air?  Try this experiment where you can actually see how heat changes the volume of air.


Looking for a good craft idea that doesn't need lots of supplies.  Keep a box of pipe cleaners handy and the kids can be busy making all kinds of pipe cleaner creations, or try these ideas for pipe cleaner creatures  for younger children.

Comments (1)


Thank you for the dinosaur ideas! My daughter is interested in learning about dinos this summer!



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