
Making Balloon People is a fun activity for kids of any ages. The supplies are inexpensive, can be stored in almost no space. Check out our blog entry on Balloon People about this craft project for ideas on how to use this craft for as puppets or for holidays.
Looking for ooey, gooey fun. Kids love to watch and play with Jiggle Dough. With fall weather coming, the Jelly Treasure hunt is a fun indoor activity.
If you are working with a new group of kids, 15 Seconds is a fun game to help everyone get to know each other.
Here's an idea that perfect for grandparents, or other times where you suddenly need to keep some kids busy. All you need is a box of straws and there's lots of straw game possibilities. You can choose cooperative or competitive versions for most of the games.
Our First Lego League team is learning about Climate Connections this year, so we started off by making Anemometers to measure wind speed. This project was a quick project, but has lots of different things the kids can do with them.
Halloween is at the end of October. What do you give out to trick-or-treaters. There must be some creative ideas kids love, that aren't just sugary junk. What do you give out on Halloween? Is there such a thing as eco-friendly Halloween treats? Do you have any other imaginative ideas for what to put in their trick or treat bags? Send your ideas to: Creative Kids at Home and we'll share them in the October Newsletter.
Don't forget to check out the Activity Library for lots of kids crafts and activities.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2008 2:24 PM.
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The next post in this blog is Trick-or-Treat.
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