Today's Parent
November 2000
Page 23

on the market 
Crafty Surprises
If your kids love surprises, crafts and getting their own mail, here's something that
combines all three. The brainchild of Victoria mom Christine Nicholls, Creative Kids
at Home is a sort of crafts-by-subscription service. Six times a year children
receive a craft package in the mail, with instructions and materials. The crafts are
themed to a season or holiday and are new each year -- for example, this December's
project is a little Christmas table ornament made from foam. (Alternatives are
available for families that don't celebrate Christian holidays.) One of the six
packages is an extra- special birthday kit. Ages 4-11 (Nicholls adapts some kits for
older or younger kids).
A one-year subscription costs $37.40 (includes shipping and
taxes; orders sent to BC addresses cost $39.85). Send a cheque or money order to: 287
Ilott Place, Victoria, BC V9C 3V6; phone 1-877-853-6788; |