Drill holes for the front and back wheels. Attach the wheels
using screws and a washer.
Cut a piece of plastic in the shape of the front window.
Slide it into the grove part way along the mouse. Once
everything fits, use glue to keep it in place.
Use a marker to draw a face on a wooden bead. Glue in place
behind the windshield. Add a hat or other features.
(computer mouse, 2 wooden balls, 2 eyes, 1
piece of vinyl, red fun foam, white glue)
Snip off the cord from the mouse.
From the vinyl, cut out arms and legs. You can print and
trace the pattern.
Drill two holes on the bottom of the mouse at the back (about 1/2
inch in from the sides).
Use screws to attach the back legs to mouse, using the pre-drilled
holes. The screws will keep the back legs in place, while
letting them move forwards and backwards.
Glue the front legs under the mouse.
Glue the eyes on the wooden balls and glue them onto the mouse.
Think about what items you have that could be used to create the
parts for your creative mice. If you have felt rather than vinyl,
use that for the frog's legs. Maybe you have a button that
would be the perfect size for a steering wheel.
Many people have old computer mice they would be happy to give you
to make your own creations.
Note for Parents:
Arncraft projects challenge you to create new items from recycled
materials. Creative Kids at Home will try to provide safety
warnings, but these projects are not intended for young children.
Plan to have an adult supervising and helping with the project.
It is your responsibility to choose the activities that are safe in your home.